Michelle Beasley MD

Experienced and Compassionate Doctor

Fort Walton Beach and Pensacola, FL

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Experienced Physician

Dr. Beasley holds both a Bachelor of Science and Doctorate in Medicine from The University of West Florida in Pensacola, Florida

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Compassionate Care

Dr. Beasley has spearheaded the expansion of compassionate care in Northwest Florida as the first medical doctor in Pensacola to accept patients for medical marijuana treatment.

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Education & Outreach

Dr. Beasley has worked tirelessly to equip patients with knowledge of available care options and empower them to make informed decisions. 


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See below for more about Dr. Beasley.

Michelle Beasley MD

Experienced and Compassionate Doctor in Northwest Florida

Experienced Physician

Dr. Beasley holds both a Bachelor of Science and Doctorate in Medicine from The University of West Florida in Pensacola, Florida

Compassionate Care

Dr. Beasley has spearheaded the expansion of compassionate care in Northwest Florida as the first medical doctor in Pensacola to accept patients.


Education & Outreach

Dr. Beasley has worked tirelessly to equip patients with knowledge of available care options and empower them to make informed decisions. 


Dr. Michelle Beasley is currently accepting new patients

Dr. Michelle Beasley
Fort Walton Beach, FL   +   Pensacola, FL

Dr. Michelle Beasley

Michelle Beasley is a Board Certified Physician, who has been in practice for over 15 years serving the Pensacola community. She is also a licensed pediatrician.

Michelle Beasley MD Medical Marijuana Doctor Florida MMTCFL
With a background in pediatrics, Dr. Beasley is specially trained to treat patients for a variety of conditions, ranging from muscle spasms to cancer. Her expertise enables her to provide exceptional care to each patient.

Medical Experience


Dr. Beasley in the Press

Local doctors greenlit on medical marijuana

Pensacola News Journal  /  Will Isern  /  Jan. 19, 2017
Dr. Michelle Beasley is the only doctor listed in Escambia County to have completed the Low-THC Cannabis Continuing Medical Education course, which doctors must complete before they can register patients to receive medical marijuana treatments.

Pensacola doctor seeing patients looking for medical marijuana treatment

ABC 3 WearTV /  Jackalyn Kovac  /  Dec. 30, 2016
“These patients are looking to have a higher function in their life and work again and have more independence,” Beasley said.


Compassionate Care with MMTC

More Details

Dr. Michelle Beasley is a North Florida medical marijuana doctor, and the first medical doctor in Pensacola to accept new patients for treatment with medical marijuana. Currently she is most commonly treating patients with cancer, muscle spasms, and seizures, but is qualified and specially trained to work with patients with other conditions. Dr. Beasley has a background as a practicing pediatrician.Dr. Beasley brought her previous medical marijuana practice under the MMTC umbrella and now oversees our Pensacola location as a Pensacola medical marijuana doctor.

See details about Dr. Beasley, the clinics, guides to the legal Compassionate Care system, free community education events, and much more at MMTCFL.com.